Fabulous 49 km Foray on the WCW trail

Today we did an out and back on the West Coast Wilderness Trail, starting at Taramakau on an old tram trail from gold rush days. Another wonderful trail, this one meandered through podocarp forest, past dairy cows, past a display of rusting aged farm and domestic tools, past the Kapitea Reservoir, on a boardwalk over a wetland and nearly to the Kawhaka intake. A swingbridge took us over a very surprisingly deep and steep Kumara chasm – the photo doesn’t do it justice – and we had a great lunch in Kumara at an award-winning hotel. The insect life was abundant, particularly loud cicadas.

The sound of cicadas at the start of the track

We were delighted to be joined by Greymouth local, Kerri, another pharmacist and long-time friend. While great company, as expected, Kerri’s help to get the Motom over a couple of barriers was an added bonus.

Once again the Motom received a lot of interest. Other cyclists lunching at the Theatre Royal Hotel in Kumara took great interest and one had a ride – thanks Russell for the donation to MND NZ. Stopping to take a weka’s photo, the inquisitive weka was at least as fascinated with the Motom as I was with the weka.

The birdlife included well-fed kereru (NZ wood pigeons) in trees or swooping above, weka, a korimako (bellbird) close by, and a noisy but sadly elusive koekoeā (long-tailed cuckoo). This trail was absolutely marvellous, additional to the birdlife was varied terrain, enjoyable riding, and wide smooth trails with some interesting twisty areas.

Koekoeā calling

Distance: 49 km, total for the trip to date: 210 km of Motoming.

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  1. Loving the pictures and the scenery. That Motom is a pretty impressive bike and you are doing some amazing rides.

  2. Sounds like fantastic weather, rides, scenery and company Natalie. You chose the right island for summer! Enjoy the trails! 😊x

  3. That Motom sure gets around and even the birds are fascinated (looking for a new means of transport?)
    Sound track a great insert.
    Travelogue supreme.

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