I’m Natalie, I’m a pharmacist, a Mum, and a person who enjoys the outdoors. I had the misfortune of being diagnosed with motor neurone disease (MND) in March 2022. I am lucky to be slow progressing. So I want to make the most of life while I can, and I have an awesome three-wheeler electric pedalling machine called a Motom (www.motom.co.nz) to help with this.

I’m riding as much as I can of 5 great rides in New Zealand, and any other interesting rides I can find over the next few months. At the same time I’m raising awareness and funds for Motor Neurone Disease New Zealand, see https://mnd-new-zealand-fundraise.raisely.com/natalie-gauld . And fitting in work wherever I can.

Motor Neurone Disease is an unfortunate medical condition that causes paralysis and is terminal. Stephen Hawking was probably the most famous person with it, but he was not typical, living over 50 years with the condition, when many people only manage 2-5 years or shorter.